"Even my kitchen has antique porcelain on the walls."
On the same block, Bardith has a breathtaking collection of antique porcelain, with dishes priced from $150.
One offers a selection of antique Chinese porcelains favored for tea drinking before the Momoyama.
Rote has many historical relics including fine antique Chinese porcelain, as well as ancient arts and traditions.
The wind blows steadily, and the cloudless sky is as blue as antique porcelain.
Huth's collection of antique porcelain was first rate.
Most Jingdezhen porcelain is valued by collectors of antique porcelain throughout the world.
"Do you know anything about antique Chinese porcelain?"
It owned a famous collection of antique porcelain and glassware which was supposed to exert a refining influence on the students there.
His jal tarang is "a set of 19 antique porcelain bowls from China that are 100 years old".