Schoen wheeled himself over to an antique globe and lifted the hinged northern hemisphere.
He walked across the room and laid his hand on an antique globe.
But apart from my own desk, my antique globe, and my own two chairs, the library was empty.
Also two antique globes (one showing the heavens, one earth) and two mirror telescopes.
Ironically, the only map they could find in the sanctum was an antique globe, part of the sanctum furnishings.
His eyes fell on an antique globe in the corner of the room.
The shop also has on offer some gorgeous antique globes.
(The stock also includes antique globes from about $1,920 to $19,200 and brass navigational implements.)
Halcon spun an antique globe on its axis.
He got up and paced past an enormous antique globe that was lighted from within and seemed made of parchment.