His antique clothing had been replaced by a well fitting suit of light flannels, and his slim figure went over to stand beside Court.
But the practice became particularly popular in the late 1980's, said Mrs. Morgan, who has restored antique clothing for more than a decade.
But the collector started over, and today the antique clothing again numbers in the thousands.
She reached up to touch the fabric of a suit of antique clothing, displayed on a wax dummy.
Sometimes, she added, she will use antique clothing to create a truly special doll.
Machiko also ran her own shop, selling jewellery, antique clothing, and tapestry among other goods.
This cave was like the world's largest emporium of antique clothing!
Well, maybe they can make a few bucks by selling it to one of those "antique" clothing stores.
There will also be a display of antique quilted clothing.
Nor was she a twentieth-century woman playing dress up in antique clothing.