Her $300 men's shirts are custom-made of sumptuous fabrics and detailed with antique buttons.
Archangel Antiques stocks antique buttons and cufflinks made of them.
Are those antique buttons?
This model of black felt was set off by a plume fashioned of black lace anchored by an antique black button.
The variety includes the unusual: a man sitting on a fence; animals from alligator to unicorn, and antique buttons that portray scenes.
At Marc Jacobs, the traditional peacoat is recast in bouclé with antique buttons, for a surprisingly modern effect ($1,100).
She said the price of antique buttons ranges from 10 cents to thousands of dollars each.
A Russian peasant shirt in striped cotton with antique buttons ($105) is a current special.
The buttons Leder uses on his garments are mainly vintage, antique buttons from the 1920/30's.