INDIAN BASKETS More than 40 authentic antique Indian baskets go on display at the Trailside Nature Museum of Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Tuesday through Feb. 28.
There will also be some unusual items, including antique grape-gathering baskets, wine openers and other wine-making apparatus.
Inside Victorian houses, antique baskets and furniture are for sale.
The decorator is also a collector: woven baskets from Brazil, antique American baskets from flea markets, vintage colored glass, even a group of nicely mossed-over pots.
Ever since, the market for antique baskets has remained strong and the prices high, Mr. Pratt said, adding that he sold one nest of baskets for more than $200,000, and sold three other nests for more than $100,000 each.
In addition to boxes of photographs and papers are antique baskets, tools, costumes and dolls, and Ms. Butterfield is always looking for more.
The houses include a 1910 stone house decorated with Asian antique baskets, and an 1888 house with a kitchen built from five smaller rooms.
Mrs. Bond, who is the wife of Senator Christopher S. (Kit) Bond of Missouri and so operates her business out of both Kansas City and Washington, recreated a corner of the wicker-filled sunroom of their Washington house, using her Imari and a collection of antique Japanese baskets and dolls.
Today in Nantucket shops like the 40-year-old Four Winds Crafts Guild sell antique baskets for $3,000 to $6,000, but fine ones in good condition with a dark, rich brown patina go for a lot more, especially if they were made by a top name.