Her home is filled with touches of antique china, exotic plants and a portrait of her great-grandmother.
She reached behind her desk for an antique china human head she had found at a garage sale.
I don't want to knock over any of your antique china.
Inside the home, some of the antique china that Ms. Pratt has collected for many years lay broken, and part of her ceiling had collapsed.
It has been restored to its 1854 style, with antique china and handcrafted furniture and flooring of Hawaiian koa wood.
Cracked antique china and cheap plain stuff all mixed up.
The losses: a shattered fish tank, and antique china that his parents had had for 31 years.
Like the chairs and the mismatched antique china on which dinner was served, the linens were all different, collected piece by piece.
A catch-all dish of antique china.
Travis cautiously descended the porch steps and went out to the driveway, walking as if he were carrying an armload of fragile antique china.