In 1967 he became executive director of the United Planning Organization, the District of Columbia's antipoverty agency.
In the 1960's, Mr. Heckel, a longtime resident of Newark, served as president of the United Community Corporation, the city's antipoverty agency.
Donations from listeners will be directed to the Netaid Foundation, which will distribute contributions under the direction of the United Nations Development Program, its antipoverty agency.
In the summer of 1967, Ms. King was an 18-year-old college student and worked for the federally sponsored United Community Corporation, a local antipoverty agency.
He was also a founder of the Community Renewal Team, an antipoverty agency.
The meeting drew more than 200 scholars and leaders of private antipoverty agencies to discuss issues like the problems of the working poor and the effects globalization has on labor.
Mr. Eisen's day job is executive vice president of the Bronx Jewish Community Council, an antipoverty agency.
The district's superintendent committed suicide that same year after investigators accused him of stealing more than $100,000 from two antipoverty agencies.
While working for an antipoverty agency, she continued mounting exhibits as a hobby.
Long Beach officials had said that they and Nassau County could handle the distribution of food to the needy without the antipoverty agency, the Economic Opportunity Commission.