The Mayor's inclination to garlic also allows anticoagulant effects from the garlic.
They discover that the Jem'Hadar weapon has had an anticoagulant effect on his wound.
It has anticoagulant effects and is used commercially as a rodenticide.
In large doses, protamine itself has some anticoagulant effect.
It takes at least 48 to 72 hours for the anticoagulant effect to develop.
Due to Elmiron's anticoagulant effects, some patients report bruising more easily.
These are used because the mechanism behind the anticoagulant effect of sodium citrate is reversible.
It has anticoagulant effects, may increase menstrual bleeding, and can cause a skin rash with sun exposure (photosensitivity).
The '+ 1' refers to the vitamin K that is given together with the warfarin to prevent any anticoagulant effect.
The anticoagulant effect of enoxaparin can be directly correlated to its ability to inhibit factor Xa.