It was an anticlimactic end for a man who had destroyed his country.
Although they experienced their habitual fourth-quarter meltdown, the Knicks muddled through the anticlimactic end for a 120-111 victory after taking the Kings' dare to play for style points.
The departure of Smith, who finished with 21 yards on 3 carries, brought an anticlimactic end to a meeting of two running backs who are in the top 10 of the N.F.L.'s career rushing list.
Dredd was left disturbed by this anticlimactic end, coming at a time when he was feeling his age.
After the regular season had reached its anticlimactic end, Tracy and Alou embraced at home plate.
Even before yesterday's anticlimactic end, the latest Crown Heights trial was a muted drama.
In the anticlimactic end for both, Sprewell turned as mellow as a blues tune and didn't score in the second half after 21 points in the first.
It was an anticlimactic end to an unusually quiet and lackluster primary season.
The press conference trickled to an anticlimactic end.
For the 80-year-old president, who was seen as the father of the country and had led it, in one capacity or another, for more than 40 years, it was an anticlimactic end.