The early returns do not bode well for Randy Smith, the Tigers general manager, who constructed Comerica's first team, using the acquisition of Gonzalez as the linchpin of an anticipated surge toward wealth in victories and revenue.
Med Choice has introduced Supersavers holidays, designed to capitalise on the anticipated surge in demand for low-cost breaks following the election result.
The anticipated surge in the number of inmates would require the equivalent of opening a new prison every 60 to 90 days, Mr. Horn added.
While no regulatory restrictions had prevented such an alliance, executives said a post-agreement influx of products and an anticipated surge in advertising sweetened the pot considerably.
It had bought the building in 1998 during the dot-com boom to house equipment to handle the anticipated surge in Internet transactions.
In the 1960s the Industrial Canal/Intracoastal Waterway junction was enlarged, in expectation of the anticipated surge in traffic resulting from the completion (1965) of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet.
To meet an anticipated surge of 30 percent in international demand for satellite launchings, the European space transportation company Arianespace said yesterday that it planned to increase its activity in the coming years.
The increases in capacity reflected the anticipated surge in summer travel demand, said Terry Trippler, who publishes an online air fare research site (
Those in the know say that it hopes to cash in on the anticipated surge in electronic reading that will follow the September launch of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol.
Now, some are saying the growth last year was exaggerated by personal computer manufacturers stocking up to meet an anticipated huge surge in sales keyed to the introduction last August of the Microsoft Corporation's Windows 95 operating system.