The new station has been built for six-car trains because of anticipated growth in passenger numbers.
The anticipated growth of the fund has already taken more time than Branca had imagined.
And it had the space, since it was bought to accommodate the collection's anticipated growth over the next 25 years.
To accommodate the anticipated growth the city has also built two new municipal parking garages.
The Government's aim is to keep wage increases in line with anticipated annual economic growth.
In the early 1970s, the corporation decided it wanted to build two new assembly facilities because of the anticipated growth hi the market.
The race was moved to its current location due to anticipated growth in attendance.
The tax-increment financing district will allow part of the anticipated growth in state taxes to help pay for the arena.
Once again, the anticipated growth of road freight transport will test us to the utmost.
In 1985, the university determined that the current campus and anticipated growth could be accommodated on 275 acres.