In preparation for the anticipated attacks, Carson and her agent attempted to amass as many prominent supporters as possible before the book's release.
The battalion arrived in Greece on 22 March and was quickly deployed to the north of the country to resist the anticipated German attack.
While waiting for an anticipated attack, Steiner releases the young Russian, only to see the boy killed by advancing Soviet troops.
Another use of the spray is to prevent an anticipated attack, such as before exercise or physical effort, expected emotional stress or exposure to cold conditions.
Some were still talking quietly among themselves about the anticipated German attack.
One week later, they retracted the step, and instead sent Lee into the southern states to direct efforts against an anticipated British attack there.
Mrs. Clinton has made the anticipated attacks against her a staple of her fund-raising appeals, saying she will need money to fight back.
The Iraqi insurgents and foreign mujahadeen present in the city prepared fortified defenses in advance of the anticipated attack.
Expectations were heightened further when Mr. Clinton altered his schedule to respond to an anticipated attack.
The Democrats spent more time today trying to erect defenses for the anticipated attacks from Republicans than they did explaining their plan.