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To anticipate and understand costs, those considering renovations should appreciate the importance of geography.
"We weren't making enough money to justify keeping it because we were anticipating major costs to maintain it."
By anticipating costs ahead of time, researchers ensure that the data will be properly managed and archived.
The complexity of this legislation makes it hard to anticipate costs in the future.
I'm outraged that the planning for the water-treatment plant did not anticipate appropriate costs.
It added it "anticipates other costs to the business that are not possible to determine at this time".
The city anticipated increased yearly costs of $41.8 million in a December 2002 report, owing to an increase in garbage disposal costs of about 300%.
As peace makers became richer over time it became clear that making war had greater costs than initially anticipated.
ARCO, the big oil company, anticipates such great costs that it is lobbying for changes.
Both households and industries need to anticipate water shortages and higher costs for water.