Here, the anti-bacterial antibodies cross react with the heart antigens causing inflammation.
Therapeutic molecules and antibodies that might otherwise be effective in diagnosis and therapy do not cross the BBB in adequate amounts.
During pregnancy, anti-Ro antibodies can cross the placenta and cause neonatal lupus in babies.
The antibodies can cross the placenta and attack the baby's red blood cells.
Maternal antibodies also cross the placenta, providing passive immunity that protects the infant from polio infection during the first few months of life.
Example: Forssman antigen, cross reacting microbial antigen so antibodies to these antigens produced by one species cross react with antigen of other species.
According to the manufacturers, these antibodies cross react with rat cells.
It is thought that maternal antibodies may cross the placenta and attack the heart tissue during gestation.
Immunofluorescence is only limited to fixed (i.e., dead) cells when structures within the cell are to be visualized because antibodies cannot cross the cell membrane.
In a small number of unfortunate people, the antibodies will cross react and aggressively attack natural proteins that are the same as those that coat the silicone droplets.