Pfizer and Vicuron already have a partnership to research a new generation of antibiotics called oxazolidinones, which are more potent than many current treatments.
Taking bromelain along with some antibiotics might increase effects and side effects of some antibiotics called tetracyclines.
They include antibiotics called cephalosporins, some of which involve doses only twice a day for five days.
Perhaps no drug is as emblematic of this hubris as Ziracin, a member of a new class of antibiotics called everninomicins.
Some antibiotics called macrolide antibiotics include erythromycin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin.
Levofloxacin is in a group of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones (flor-o-KWIN-o-lones).
A specific class of β-lactam antibiotics called cephamycins (cefoxitin, cefotetan.)
Now scientists have developed a family of antibiotics called quinolines that can be taken as pills, drastically shortening their hospital stays.
He works with an important class of natural antibiotics called polyketides that have generated dozens of drugs, including erythromycin.
Together with cephamycins, they constitute a subgroup of β-lactam antibiotics called cephems.