This spring, he backed new limits on appeals from death row as part of an anti-terrorism bill.
Shamefully, the anti-terrorism bill just passed by Congress and immigration bills still pending could subject many more refugees to similar treatment.
These provisions, similar to ones in the anti-terrorism bill, would deny a fair hearing to many asylum seekers.
This week, Parliament approved a broad anti-terrorism bill that has been strongly criticized by human rights groups.
He campaigned heavily against the use of 1080 poison, forestry practices and the state's anti-terrorism bill.
That too It'll probably slip into some anti-terrorism bill later on when no one is looking.
A similar anti-terrorism bill is scheduled for consideration in the House later this month.
Since then, he has signed a broad anti-terrorism bill that expands the Government's power to investigate terrorist suspects.
Nevertheless, the anti-terrorism bill made a great photo opportunity for politicians of both parties.
The measure would form part of a new anti-terrorism bill.