But Mr. Schiff's anti-tax message is also making its way into the mainstream.
Mr. Baer has distributed more than 20,000 videocassettes to supporters carrying his anti-tax, anti-abortion message.
Her anti-tax message helped get New Jerseyans used to the idea that they could demand services and yet resent having to pay for them.
Pataki campaign officials seized on the latter figure as evidence that they were "rocketing" from behind on their anti-tax message.
Instead, they read the vote as an expression of taxpayer solidarity with the Governor's anti-tax message.
The general anti-tax message that has become so popular is short sighted.
Mr. Faso and his anti-tax message have significant support among many conservatives, including local elected officials and business owners.
To get his anti-tax message out, Mr. Forbes is spending heavily here.
And who changed it to the death tax, which has a built-in anti-tax message?
"I'm the only candidate with the true pro-life, anti-tax message," he said.