After Soviet Russian forces took control of Georgia in 1921, he remained in the country, but was known for his anti-Soviet sentiments.
Soon after the Russian Revolution, much of this Tambov area was also a hotbed of anti-Soviet sentiment.
So much for anti-Soviet sentiment among fans.
As chairman of the national Popular Front party, he was swept into office by anti-Soviet sentiment in June 1992.
Ceauşescu appealed to anti-Soviet sentiments within the general population to ask for resistance against the perceived threat of a similar Soviet maneuver against Romania itself.
The Russians like to foster ties between Eastern and Western Europe as a means of breaking down anti-Soviet sentiments in the West.
He wanted Germany to withdraw its troops from Finland and stop enabling Finnish anti-Soviet sentiments.
The loyalty to the Union was gravely compromised and an anti-Soviet sentiment became an essential feature of the reemerging Georgian nationalism.