"With all the anti-smoking legislation happening on a local level, there is scarce need for it."
As anti-smoking legislation began to tighten in many parts of the world F1 became an even more important opportunity for cigarette brand promotion.
Similar anti-smoking legislation failed in the State Legislature earlier this year.
Russia is one of the last countries in the world not to have anti-smoking legislation in place.
In the 100 American cities with anti-smoking legislation that does not exempt small restaurants, the law has had little or no effect on their revenues.
Though there were a few restrictions during the 17th century, significant anti-smoking legislation was not enforced until later in the 19th century.
This statute has been a catalyst worldwide in anti-smoking legislation.
The vote gave additional strength to anti-smoking legislation that has been before the Senate for three weeks.
The plan formed when major tobacco companies met together to form a unified defense against anti-smoking legislation.
This reality should guide us when drafting and supporting anti-smoking legislation.