Mr. Ashcroft and F.B.I. officials said there would be more anti-pornography campaigns.
WAP quickly drew widespread support for its anti-pornography campaign, and in late 1979 held a March on Times Square that included over 5000 supporters.
Ellen Willis was particularly outspoken in her criticism of WAP and other feminist anti-pornography campaigns.
A number of Labour backbenchers are active in anti-pornography campaigns and are attempting to persuade the party to commit itself to new legislation.
The authorities launched a widespread anti-pornography campaign during 1990.
During the early 1960s, Keating twice requested FBI assistance on behalf of his anti-pornography campaign but the bureau, still skeptical regarding Keating due to its early investigation, declined.
Defends the availability of pornography, and condemns feminist anti-pornography campaigns.
A Federal district judge has dealt a blow to the Government's anti-pornography campaign by ruling that selling sexually graphic videos does not violate community standards in an area as diverse as Los Angeles.
The anti-pornography campaign that began a year ago had a very different flavor.