There was no such thing as a chemical industry or anti-pollution laws in Ireland in 1970.
The decision to apply the tough new anti-pollution laws, passed early this year, took almost everyone by surprise.
He was considered a supporter of anti-pollution laws before they became popular in Washington.
But its important operating budget, with which it administers the anti-pollution laws, would rise by 12 percent to $2.17 billion.
Bush signed a major overhaul of the nation's anti-pollution law.
In addition, running the plant would violate anti-pollution laws, the accounting office said.
And stringent anti-pollution laws have made the waters clearer over the last decade.
The agency's director has the authority to impose fines for violations of the state's anti-pollution laws.
Instead, Cramer critics accused him of having weakened anti-pollution laws.
These would, in effect, require Mexico to enforce its labor and anti-pollution laws.