Now, however, the sudden flurry of anti-Nazi activity has exposed the Government to charges of again subjecting justice to politics.
Serebin begins to explore the delicate possibility of anti-Nazi activity.
Ralf was known for strongly supporting anti-Nazi activities.
Despite the beatings and torture, of those prisoners who were released, most resumed their anti-Nazi activities.
After the war he clearly exaggerated his anti-Nazi activities to American interrogators.
He was arrested upon his arrival and taken to the century-old Moabit prison, where he served time for anti-Nazi activities in the 1930's.
His time in jail did not weaken his resolve to participate in anti-Nazi activities or organizations.
He claimed that he was unaware of the anti-Nazi activities of his friends, and that they had only met to listen to music.
(He had been arrested in Venice on suspicion of anti-Nazi activities.)