His party, the National Front, has lost supporters to a fellow anti-immigration politician, Philippe de Villiers, and to Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, who heads the governing party, the Union for a Popular Movement.
ARTS & LEISURE A Keep-'Em-Out Campaign Is this the year for anti-immigration politicians?
The Party for Freedom of anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders opposed the nomination of two ministers because they had dual nationality.
Rita Verdonk was advised by Kay van de Linde, who also played a part in anti-immigration politician Pim Fortuyn's 2002 election campaign, which was cut short by his assassination on May 6.
Since the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, anti-immigration politicians like Geert Wilders and Rita Verdonk have opposed dual citizenship.
An article last Sunday about European views of the effect of immigration on crime rates misstated the change in support since 1995 for Jean-Marie Le Pen, the anti-immigration politician of the French far right.
The anti-immigration politicians certainly know how to get attention.
Although a ban was publicly debated earlier, the legislation results directly from a motion tabled in the Dutch House of Representatives by the anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders, calling upon the cabinet to introduce it.
Mr. Rose said not all 12 drawings would offend Muslims: one depicted a Danish anti-immigration politician in a police lineup, and another lampooned Mr. Rose as an agent provocateur.
The German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, suffered a significant political defeat today in state legislative elections in Hamburg, with a law-and-order, anti-immigration politician known locally as "Judge Merciless" making an unexpectedly strong showing.