"He views it as his responsibility to spread the word and go to other parts of the country to tell them firsthand the devastating effects of this anti-immigrant legislation."
They also got rid of an Arizona senator who had pursued anti-immigrant legislation.
Meeting in February at a convention center in Riverside, Calif., some 600 Latino immigrant advocates from across the country tossed around ideas about how to defeat what they considered anti-immigrant legislation in Congress.
Parra is pro-immigration and commonly opposes anti-immigrant legislation.
But some Republicans are warning now that tough anti-immigrant legislation may fuel a backlash and threaten the party's hard-won gains with Hispanics, whose numbers have surged in recent years.
"It's certainly a testament to the fact that people are very scared of what seems to be driving this anti-immigrant legislation, to the point that they are coming out to make sure they speak and are heard."
One of the most depressing signs that elections are upon us has been the Republican effort to pass anti-immigrant legislation that is so outrageous that Mr. Clinton will have to veto it.
It was used most effectively by Harry Laughlin in the 1924 congressional debates leading to anti-immigrant legislation.
Many Haitian immigrants say the march is a bold step toward Haitian unity and self-reliance in a climate of racial tension, mistrust and stringent anti-immigrant legislation.
They will also work together for comprehensive immigration reform that supports workplace rights and includes a path to citizenship and political equality for immigrant workers - and against punitive, anti-immigrant, anti-worker legislation.