However, it is unfortunate that you use the unnecessarily pejorative terms "anti-immigrant feelings" and "hostility."
Some experts fear that tough economic times - and the suspicions generated by Sept. 11 - may bring a resurgence of anti-immigrant feeling.
Politicians are stoking anti-immigrant feeling, blaming immigrants for social and economic problems not properly attributable to immigration.
And it is the harder because of anti-immigrant feeling in Congress and the country.
"There's a very big anti-immigrant feeling that is influencing the problem right now, particularly on the Republican side."
I am very concerned about the anti-immigrant feelings we see in various parts of the country and in Congress.
"Those laws have contributed to anti-immigrant feelings."
"Even today, the anti-immigrant feelings are raw and much stronger here than anywhere else in the state."
There was still a strong anti-immigrant feeling in neighboring communities.
There is a strain of ferocious anti-immigrant feeling in the state.