In today's climate, with officially sanctioned opposition parties and newspapers, anti-Government sentiments can be expressed more directly.
These series exploit the same anti-Government sentiment that has made Washington insiders the heavies in so many recent elections.
After an outpouring of anti-Government sentiment, Congress killed the increase on Tuesday, just hours before it would have become law.
He also told officials to step up ideological vigilance and avoid stirring up anti-Government sentiment.
In Sofia, a hotbed of anti-Government sentiment, almost all schools and numerous factories and offices were shut down.
Even some Sandinista officials in this area, where there is strong anti-Government sentiment, admit they listen.
With anti-Government sentiment running high, state officials did not dwell on the fact that the melee was initiated by the protesters.
What remains unclear is whether the opposition can harness that anti-Government sentiment and rally behind a candidate capable of winning the election, diplomats said.
Such is state control here, however, that there have been no major public demonstrations of anti-Government sentiment.
But the political opposition has not been able to capitalize on the pervasive anti-Government sentiment.