The four - including a member of government, as well as fighters from pro- and anti-government militias - are charged with committing atrocities and undermining peace efforts in Darfur.
Robert M. Johnson, the attorney who presided over the memorial meetings, said some survivors feared glamorizing Mr. McVeigh and his accomplices, or worried the museum would become a rallying point for anti-government militias.
On the other hand, official Syrian church sources maintained that it was the anti-government militias that used the church as a shield and later damaged its contents on purpose.
In the late 90s he and correspondent John Miller investigated anti-government militias, as well as Eric Rudolph of the Army of God's string of abortion clinic attacks.
The F.B.I.'s actions in both of those sieges drew criticism from civil liberties groups, anti-government militias and lawmakers in both parties; they said its actions were heavy handed, poorly planned and badly executed.
Lt. Leone - The leader of a mercenary group hired by an anti-government militia in the Moloni Republic.
The siege has become a cause celebre among anti-Government militias and other groups and prompted Congressional hearings into actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation during the encounter.
The Sudan People's Defense Forces/Democratic Front (SPDF)was an anti-government militia active in Upper Nile from 2000 to 2002.
Gekkostate is an anti-government militia and counterculture collective led by Holland, who also pilots the LFO Terminus typeR909.
U.S. News notes the surging popularity of anti-government militias: Watchdogs identify 858 groups (380 of them armed) and estimate membership at 50,000.