'Marriage of Convenience' Baghdad also continues to support Iranian anti-Government guerrillas.
In declaring the alert, the Government invoked American invasions of Nicaragua earlier this century and United States support for anti-Government guerrillas for the last decade.
In some Indian villages, anti-Government guerrillas who promise not to mount attacks are permitted to keep their weapons and form local militia squads.
At the time the album was being worked on, a legal battle between the U.S. and Nicaragua had occurred over U.S. aid to anti-government guerrillas.
He and others also expressed concern that a closer relationship between Teheran and Moscow might lessen Iran's support for the anti-Government guerrillas in Afghanistan.
Then, in October, anti-Government guerrillas raided a food convoy, destroying 23 trucks and 450 tons of food.
The shower of flares was designed to distract heat-seeking missiles fired by anti-Government guerrillas.
But a policeman was killed Tuesday night when anti-Government guerrillas attacked in Moengo, a mining town in the east.
The United States has several other longstanding concerns, including allegations that Venezuela aids anti-government guerrillas in Colombia.
Another article recounted the fate of an anti-Government guerrilla who reportedly turned himself in and asked for protection under Nicaragua's amnesty law.