Such popularly-held anti-gay sentiments have recently been increasingly exploited by various religious groups and politicians.
You and I both know there has been a hidden anti-gay sentiment in the church for a long time.
Still, many blacks draw the line at likening racism to anti-gay sentiment.
Steadfast in the face of the heated and violent anti-gay sentiment, they had to deal with threats to much more than just their right to march.
Still, anti-gay sentiment is less strident this year.
The affirmation of one's own values through anti-gay sentiment, his research has found, is the most common motive.
Even within the military, anti-gay sentiment has declined over the past decade.
Members say they confront anti-gay sentiments from the general culture and from within their tribes, which they attribute to Christian influence.
Rabbi Kleinbaum stays fuzzy on the details of her personal life, feeling vulnerable with anti-gay sentiment running high in these days before the parade.