LEAD: The Commerce Department issued a final ruling today that anti-friction bearings from nine countries were being sold unfairly in the United States, paving the way for permanent anti-dumping duties.
Founded in 1971, American NTN Bearing Manufacturing Corporation produces steel balls and anti-friction bearings at their facility in Elgin, Illinois.
McGill, based in Valparaiso, Ind., makes anti-friction bearings and electrical specialty items.
A bolt was found to have failed, causing anti-friction bearings to fail also.
They developed and manufactured a new line of advanced all-steel threshers and combine harvesters employing anti-friction bearings.
Gears and shafts are heat-treated nickel-chromium steel mounted on anti-friction bearings and operating in an oil bath.
Lincoln began to manufacture what became their first principle product - coal mine car frames including the axles using anti-friction bearings supplied by the Hyatt Roller Bearing Company.
When anti-friction bearings were introduced in locomotives three female office workers demonstrated their efficiency by manually pulling the Timken 1111 locomotive.
During the 1930s, the company diversified into anti-friction bearings and from that point forward evolved into the formidable force it represented during the 1990s.
This has no greasing points, anti-friction bearings, flapping or drag hinges and results in reduced vibration and noise levels.