In most school systems around the country, Mr. Johnston said, anti-drug education is offered to students at one particular grade during their school career.
We urge that states and communities emphasize anti-drug education by police officers and others in schools to educate young children to the dangers of the drug culture.
Most of the inmates who go into therapeutic communities are primed with about six months of anti-drug education.
The program authorizes the creation of a "boot camp" for young drug offenders and the expansion of anti-drug education.
Hundreds of millions of dollars spent on law enforcement are wasted and could be used for anti-drug education.
They contended that much more should be spent on rehabilitation and anti-drug education.
For example, the government is working with neighboring countries to prevent drug smuggling, and is increasing anti-drug education for the general population and in schools.
Some drug authorities immediately seized on the new information to demand greater spending on anti-drug education.
Dr. Johnston said anti-drug education should begin in kindergarten and continue through the senior year.
The Partnership said in the meantime it would work to expand its bulletin listings for anti-drug education and prevention programs.