Guayaquil's new anti-crime strategy included tough penalties for individuals caught begging or selling on the streets of the gentrified areas.
"I will fight to protect America's families by launching the most effective and comprehensive anti-crime strategy our nation has seen," he said.
The party has outlined an anti-crime strategy that includes having a referendum on reinstituting the death penalty.
The Mayor and his police commissioners knew or should have known that their anti-crime strategies were dangerously flawed and likely to lead to tragedy.
"This is a piece of the Administration's overall, comprehensive anti-crime strategy."
Further, not all experts agree that New York's anti-crime strategy is entirely responsible for the precipitous fall in its own murder rate.
And they argue that under the current system, the Police Department's anti-crime strategies do not reach some of the highest-crime areas of the city.
The city's dramatic reductions in crime have gotten worldwide attention, and many experts credit the police with an imaginative rethinking of anti-crime strategies.
He said the barriers were part of a larger anti-crime strategy that includes community policing, laws against loitering and stronger gun controls.
The change in policy was announced along with anti-crime strategies, including some concentrating on juvenile offenders.