Next week he plans to begin broadcasting campaign-style commercials emphasizing his anti-crime initiatives.
Dixon launched a number of anti-crime initiatives, focusing on illegal guns.
Mr. Bloomberg announced his first anti-crime initiative before he was sworn into office.
It provides commentary on local community issues, with particular emphasis on economic redevelopment and anti-crime initiatives.
There is caution toward such strategies due to the fear that these schools - purely as an anti-crime initiative - will lead to ghettoization.
Some of the steps, originally packaged as a broader anti-crime initiative, appeared aimed more at drug dealers and corrupt business executives than at terrorists.
He then took to the campaign trail to highlight his anti-crime initiatives and raise campaign money for House Democrats.
One character, SuperBarrio, exists only outside the ring, showing up to support labor unions, community groups and anti-crime initiatives.
Nearly all of the increase is accounted for by a $1.6 billion increase for anti-crime initiatives, to $16.3 billion.
His trade policies would contribute to economic security, his health care proposals to medical security, his anti-crime initiatives to personal security.