For example, the tabling of an anti-corruption bill in parliament, or the high-profile dismissal of Moscow city's head of internal affairs after a scandal in the capital's police, or the cosmetic repairs to the electoral laws.
Mr. Obasanjo has proposed an anti-corruption bill, and measures to cut middlemen out of state transactions.
In Parliament a sweeping anti-corruption bill proposed by the Obasanjo administration has languished for months.
In the Lords he could be relied upon for even the most disagreeable tasks, such as attacking anti-corruption bills, and Walpole used him as a pamphleteer on secular as well as Church matters.
She led a vibrant and highly visible media campaign for an anti-corruption bill (to institute an Ombudsman popularly known as Lokpal) which captured the imagination of millions of Indians and became a widespread protest across the nation.
Nawaz Sharif made very important Constitutional Amendments that inserted in the Constitution which introduced termination of the Eighth Amendment and passing of the Thirteenth Amendment, with the enaction of the anti-corruption bill in 1997.
Jan Lokpal Bill - An anti-corruption bill in India.
A new anti-corruption bill sponsored by President Dmitry Medvedev has passed a first reading in the State Duma.
An anti-corruption bill that would revoke the pensions of retired city officials convicted of crimes they committed while in office won unanimous endorsement yesterday by the New York City Council.
A moment later, the Governor spoke about anti-corruption bills.