Larger guns, faster engines, and greater anti-aircraft capability are all available to existing ships.
Later in the war, the Battle class destroyer was developed, with a greatly enhanced anti-aircraft capability.
Gun mountings were developed to provide high angle, anti-aircraft capability and all round gun houses.
Especially against opponents operating without a fighter screen or an effective anti-aircraft capability, such trainer derived attack aircraft could perform adequately.
The increased anti-aircraft capability required additional personnel, so crew numbers were increased from 44-48 men to 67.
The very idea of a 76 mm divisional gun with anti-aircraft capabilities was doomed for the following reasons:
Almost all classes of PLAN vessels maintain at least some anti-aircraft capability.
The slow rate of fire and the fixed 5 loading angle minimized any real anti-aircraft capability.
However, as of 2004, all significant anti-aircraft capability was deleted from this class.
Vessels assigned to the Mediterranean Sea usually had their anti-aircraft capability significantly upgraded.