Only a small segment of the $1.5 billion skin-care market is affected: anti-aging products.
Luckily, the newest anti-aging products have been formulated to take all the signs of aging into account.
Is there a downside to using anti-aging products before you start aging?
According to a 2002 article in the Seattle Times, there are two opposing viewpoints of anti-aging products.
Some people use skin creams that contain pycnogenol as "anti-aging" products.
In 2005 she endorsed a line of anti-aging products.
Men's anti-aging products are thus notably lighter than their female counterparts but still share many of the same active ingredients.
Her company has a new anti-aging product and a dark secret.
How long should I expect to use an anti-aging product before noticing results?
Some anti-aging products make your skin more susceptible to the sun.