We took, retook from pirates I mean, a freighter a couple months ago with a million and a half florins of anti-aging drugs aboard.
It may eventually be the first of a new class of anti-aging drugs.
It's the source of an anti-aging drug.
Though we're testing anti-aging drugs and supplements in my lab every day, they are not likely to benefit me much.
The synthetic version is primarily marketed as an anti-aging drug.
Stookie glanding: butchering Stookies, an intelligent alien race, for the anti-aging drug they produce.
The best anti-aging drugs the Hegemony has to offer only manage to extend an active lifetime a bit over the hundred standard-year mark.
This woman had taken no anti-aging drugs.
Resveratrol and rapamycin: Are they anti-aging drugs?
Some technologies he described were space colonies, solar power satellites, anti-aging drugs, hydrogen-propelled cars, climate control, and underground magnetic trains.