Britney Spears is probably not the likeliest muse for a work of art promoting an anti-abortion message.
In this case, he said, none of the restrictions were imposed on the basis of the protesters' anti-abortion message.
Although the cardinal's anti-abortion message is antithetical to many Democrats, his words could be viewed as an effort to broaden the Democratic base.
Ms. declared that Twilight promotes a physically abusive relationship and an anti-abortion message.
He also promoted an anti-abortion message.
Here, the state court imposed restrictions on petitioners incidental to their anti-abortion message because they repeatedly violated the court's original order.
What's missing is a clear anti-abortion message to unite these proposals.
Some religion ads also carried anti-abortion messages.
But in these centers, the anti-abortion message is not likely to be far below the surface.
This law is not content neutral as it is obviously only being applied to abortion clinics and anti-abortion messages.