Later this afternoon, the Senate voted 97 to 0 to condemn the anti-Semitic statements.
So you get a situation where anti-Semitic statements are made by prominent Poles and the young don't know what to make of it.
During this time he made increasingly anti-American and anti-semitic statements.
Mussolini initially had no anti-Semitic statements in his policies.
They made great play with Luther's anti-semitic statements, and his hatred of democracy.
The correspondence between them is reportedly replete with anti-Semitic statements.
However, various anti-Semitic statements have been attributed to them.
"There are anti-Semitic statements that she made," the rabbi said.
The conference was meant to combat racism, but ended up being a forum for world leaders to make various anti-Semitic statements.
He's the last person in the world who would make an anti-Semitic statement.