"In this country anti-Soviet and anti-Russian feelings have not been very strong," Mr. Kiuranov said.
Nor should anti-Russian feelings be equated with anti-Soviet tendencies.
"There is no anti-Russian feeling in London," he insisted.
Current anti-Russian feelings in Poland may receive new stimulus - especially before the upcoming elections.
Rising anti-Russian feelings in Poland could provide a new impulse to Russian authorities: to get upset, yet again.
Burkhanism helped to encourage anti-Russian feelings and was consequently banned by the Communist Party in the 1930s.
Some fear that anti-Russian feeling here could also pose a danger to the broader liberalization of Soviet society.
But also, even more violent anti-Russian feeling rose up, because the Russians had started a man off to meddle with the monster who piped so pleadingly.
He said that much of the anti-Russian feelings in Poland is caused by grievances of the past.
"Those people who are hiding from Russian justice are willing to sacrifice anyone to create a wave of anti-Russian feeling," Putin said.