Israel has "rid itself" of Gaza, but anti-Jewish attacks from there have only escalated.
The fear and insecurity which arose from these anti-Jewish attacks and the founding of the state of Israel led many Jews to flee Libya.
In the pamphlet, he describes anti-Jewish attacks as a psychosis, a pathological disorder and an irrational phobia.
The ADL publishes reports on a variety of countries, regarding alleged incidents of anti-Jewish attacks and propaganda.
The insecurity which arose from anti-Jewish attacks led many Jews to abandon Libya and emigrate.
In France, anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim attacks spiked after December 27.
But anti-Jewish attacks began at the beginning of the Thirties and took the absurd form of accusing him of not writing "proper" German.
The anti-Jewish attacks play an important role in the novel's plot.
In the late 20th to early 21st centuries in Turkey, there were three anti-Jewish terrorist attacks.
The insecurity which arose from these anti-Jewish attacks as well as the founding of Israel led many Jews to emigrate.