When this was disclosed in the British press, it raised a storm of anti-German feeling.
Many reviews alluded to the ethnic background of the author at a time when anti-German feeling was on the rise.
At present, anti-German feelings in Israel are at low ebb.
The operation was largely successful, but anti-German feeling amongst the Zanzibari people remained strong.
In 1914, anti-German feeling forced Speyer out of his post.
But he failed to realize that anti-German feeling had swept the country.
I hoped that this would hook him, because anti-German feeling still runs strong in Serbia.
The name was changed in 1915 following anti-German feelings which arose as a consequence of World War 1.
It shows the anti-German feeling in Britain at the time and how the press reported it.
Under the pressure of a violent anti-German feeling, he signed in the early postwar period works with the pseudonym Richard, his middle name.