Bensonhurst residents insist that the letter does not reflect widespread anti-Asian sentiment and local leaders prefer to concentrate on repairing the damage, rather than speculate on its authors.
During the economic depression of the 1870's, anti-Asian sentiment rose to such a level that numerous Asians were victims of mob violence.
The Japan Society of Rhode Island says the name Victory Day promotes anti-Asian sentiments, slurs and racially motivated attacks.
Many were repatriated after 1910, because of strong White opposition to their presence, similar to anti-Asian sentiments in the western United States during the same period.
He acknowledged, however, that he feared his candidacy might also bring anti-Asian sentiments to the surface.
He has been criticised as being a racist and jingoistic character, especially in the early entries in the series, and gives voice to anti-Asian sentiments.
There is some anti-Asian sentiment on campus.
But that's not at the heart of this recent wave of anti-Asian sentiment.
Consequently, he suffered the occasional racial slur as a result of the heightened anti-Asian sentiment during the war.
The association of Chinese laborers with involuntary contract labor during a time in which it was illegal exacerbated the public's anti-Asian sentiments.