The Afghan authorities have blamed anti-American groups, perhaps Al Qaeda or the Taliban, for being behind the previous attacks.
Polio has made a comeback recently due to misinformation spread by anti-American Islamic groups in Nigeria.
Otherwise, the various anti-American groups in Iraq will continue to own the streets and back alleyways of Ramadi, Falluja and other battlegrounds.
United States officials said they suspected that Iran, or anti-American groups and individuals it supports, might be behind the rising fundamentalist rage that has been reported.
Political terrorism by anti-American, pro-independence groups has generally been directed against government and military installations or personnel in Puerto Rico, not average citizens or tourists.
After the Persian Gulf war in 1991, he moved to Sudan, where he became more involved with anti-American Islamic groups.
The officials also contended that Libyan agents had been contacting anti-American radical groups in the Caribbean.
Most of the protesters were left-wing, anti-American groups who at one time physically detained police officers for over seven hours.
Other opponents have attacked the W.T.O. as the captive of anti-American groups abroad.
Until it is sealed, it will remain a well for the "thoughts of mass destruction" that will energize every radical anti-American group out here.