The focus was on simple, provocative titles that transcend the spines on which they appear to create conceptual, language-based, anthropological works.
Throughout her career, dancers fascinated Hoffman and they form the subject matter for many of her most well-known pieces although the anthropological works are the greatest in number for a single project.
The release further states that the book is sold in the inspirational section of the bookstore which includes anthropological works on Native American culture.
Anthropology has in fact developed as the science of the evolution of human society and many early anthropological works take the form of natural histories of mankind.
Marx's attitude to the numerous anthropological works which came out between 1860 and 1880 was therefore in part one of shared enthusiasm for evolutionary theory, but also in part one of suspicion.
It is this task which began Marx's and Engels's study and analysis of anthropological works.
He also published detailed accounts of some of his expeditions and two major anthropological works on Australian Aborigines.
He wrote several anthropological works on the Polynesian and Native North American peoples.
The Elementary Structures of Kinship was published the next year and quickly came to be regarded as one of the most important anthropological works on kinship.
The behavioral "case study" approach has continued and expanded in later anthropological works such as Network Analysis and Ethnographic Problems (2005).