For many years, most beaked whale species were insulated from anthropogenic impacts because of their remote habitat.
We have an inherent responsibility to identify, limit and manage all anthropogenic impact, from the seemingly innocuous to the obviously cataclysmic.
There is wide scientific agreement that the scale of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment is unsustainable and that continued interference with the Earth system will have significant consequences.
It has few anthropogenic impacts with a mostly agricultural catchment and the small village of Rossport located at the centre of its two main channels.
Current research concentrates on the use of tree-ring data networks to study regional climate, global climate teleconnections and anthropogenic impacts on tree growth.
Bioindication and biomonitoring of anthropogenic impact using invertebrates (Aranea, Odonata, Coleoptera).
Due to anthropogenic impact, changes have occurred in all the biologycal components of the lake, including bacteria, benthos, and of course fish.
It is important that the role of canyons in maintaining biodiversity, and how potential anthropogenic impacts may affect this, is better understood.
Currently, we live in a world experiencing great changes at a fast rate, mostly due to anthropogenic impacts on organisms and the environment.
The gravel was deposited during Pleistocene period and has been substantially reworked since then by periglacial, fluvial and anthropogenic impacts.