The methane insolation cycles of the ice core remained stable and predictable until 5000 years ago, most likely due to some anthropogenic effect.
Like many other species endemic to the lake, it is vulnerable as a species to any anthropogenic effects on the lake's ecosystem, both direct and indirect.
They aimed to focus world attention on the anthropogenic effect that humans are having on global warming.
BRW is located so that it receives minimal influence from anthropogenic effects.
These topics relate to the anthropogenic effects on the natural environment.
Environmental issues in Africa are caused by anthropogenic effects on the African natural environment and have major impacts on humans and nearly all forms of endemic life.
Complex environmental research with focus on anthropogenic effects on the industrial landscape.
There is, I don't doubt, AN anthropogenic effect, but I suspect it is infinitesimal.
Evidence of the effect of external influences, both anthropogenic and natural, on the climate system has continued to accumulate since the TAR."
Protecting or conserving critical habitat requires mitigation of anthropogenic effects.