One at a time, the pillars of American democracy have come face to face with the anthrax threat.
But the facts about the anthrax threat and appropriate responses seem to evolve by the day.
The second case is about an anthrax threat.
Now he is the prime suspect in hundreds of anthrax threats mailed to abortion clinics this fall.
Even crises can settle into patterns, and for a while that seemed the case with the anthrax threat.
Shortly after we learned of the anthrax threat, I asked how he was doing.
In response to the recent spate of anthrax threats, anxious citizens are demanding that doctors test them for the disease.
In recent days, state and federal officials have stated their intentions to prosecute aggressively those who make anthrax threats.
Yet the agency has been subject to considerable criticism for its scientific and its political responses to the anthrax threat.
Other investigators fanned out to review earlier cases of anthrax threats and look for similarities.