Also, limitations on antenna size drove the design to frequencies as high as possible.
On the next page, we'll use this number to calculate a real-life antenna size.
The major limit to antenna size is deep space noise.
Until the development of low-observability "stealth" technologies, compact antenna size was prized.
The power output, antenna size, and technical characteristics of the equipment are set by regulations in each country.
The site was expanded and moved inland in 1904-05, increasing both antenna size and transmitter power.
Divide the speed of light by the frequency to get the wavelength and therefore the antenna size.
MURS range will vary depending on antenna size and placement.
That means the optimal antenna size for the transmitter at 680,000 hertz is about 361 feet (110 meters).
For a cell phone working at 900,000,000 (900 MHz), on the other hand, the optimum antenna size is about 8.3 cm or 3 inches.