She would no longer have to answer horrible accusations from enraged parents and swarming reporters.
He tried to answer accusations that had not been voiced.
The lawyers have repeatedly been granted more time to prepare cases or answer accusations.
In most campaigns, there is a choice between buying ads to answer accusations or buying them to articulate a message.
City officials would not answer specific accusations before seeing the suit but said the officers acted within the law.
Mr. Rostenkowski said he was fighting that image with "one hand tied behind my back" because lawyers had advised him not to answer accusations.
Hauled to his feet, Querlon was twisted about in Dansell's direction, to answer accusations.
Mr. Preston has already announced a 12 percent reduction over the next two years in an effort to answer accusations that the bank is overstaffed.
I refuse to answer such accusations in this--this inappropriate setting!
Mama will know how to answer the lies and accusations - she will tell you what to say.